CS 302 Samba and NFS Quiz 1) The command "ls" produces some output. I want to put that output into a file name luke.txt. What should I type? 10) Is the file /etc/shadow world readable? 11) Define root_squash. 100) (Yes/No) Is the file /etc/passwd world readable? 101) How do I make a share read only? 110) I want to stop the samba server. I don't want to delete config files or crash the network; I just want to temporarily stop the samba server. What can I type on the command line? 111) How does one enable password protection for the mounting of NFS servers? 1000) (Yes/No) Are Linux style permissions(i.e. "rwxrw-r--") used when determining if a Samba access to some particular file is permitted? 1001) What is the correct syntax for a line in /etc/fstab to mount the nfs server "fever" and the that is offering it's "/solo" directory and put it onto "/mnt/Leia"? 1010) What was your favorite liberal studies class? (This is for an FYE block we are setting up.) 1011) (Yes/No) Suppose I have a share named "Vader". Must I have a user named "Vader"? 1100) You cannot mount a Samba server. Maybe the network between you and the server is the problem. How could you tell? LIST TWO WAYS. 1101) Which file do I change to allow the client "thermometer" to NFS mount my server? 1110) (True/False) This statement is false. 1111) What is the correct syntax to type into bash (the shell prompt) to mount the nfs server "fever" and the that is offering it's "/solo" directory and put it onto "/mnt/Leia"? 10000) In the above example, is /mnt/Leia a folder or a file? 10001) (2 points) Do the Samba or NFS thing I tell you.