1) Suppose that you send mail to a fred@euclid.nmu.edu. After euclid recieves the mail, and before fred reads the mail, where is the mail stored? (Hint: I want a filename, not a directory name.) 2) Euclid has filter that the printer deamon uses. What langauges is that filter written in? 3) Suppose I want a banner page to be printed with every print job. What line should I add to /etc/printcap to get this done? 4) What's the command I would use to stop printing on a printer named 'colorprinter'? 5-6) Suppose I want all mail coming from turing.nmu.edu to be forwarded to euclid.nmu.edu. I want this because euclid has all the routing abilities and is on the correct side of the firewall. What file do I change to get this? What line within the file? 7) Suppose run the following commands. Assume everything works without error and the server cooperates. What will I see as output for the last command? mkdir /test-dir echo quizes are fun > /test-dir/test-file mount server:/otherdir /test-dir ls /test-dir 8-9) Suppose that the user motorcycle has the home directory /home/motorcycle. However, that directory is owned by bikerdude, and has permissions rwx-rx-rx. Can motorcycle log in? Can he print files? 10) Suppose I have 10 yards of rope. In what shape should I place the rop to enclose the largest floor area? 11) What's the approximate ratio of bytes sent by euclid to bytes received by euclid since it was last rebooted? 12) Suppose you switch network cards between your computer and your neighbors. They are both the exact same brand and model cards. After rebooting, what will be different? 13) A user complains that he cannot print and cannot recieve mail. Name once problem that could cause both errors. 14) On an NFS client I am robot with userid=12. On the NFS server there is a user named robot, with userid 100. There is a user cyborg, with userid 12. On the client I log in as robot and make a file named "/takeoverworld". On the server I log in as root and type 'ls -l /takeoverworld". Who will seem to own the file? 15) I am root on a NFS client. I try and access a file mounted from the NFS server. This was exported WITHOUT the no_root_squash option. Under what conditions can I access the file. 16) If the printer is working then there must be at least one program waiting in the background for new print jobs. What's the deamon called? 17) Suppose that you have submitted a print job but that printer has not begun working on it yet. What's the command to kill this not-yet-begun print job? 18) What's your favorite programming language?