Hands-On Quiz #2

  1. Use 'tar' to bundle up all the files in /home/randy/pub/Scripts.  Do not compress it in any way.  How big is the resulting tar file?  ____________________
  2. Use 'tar' to bundle up all the files in /home/randy/pub/Scripts.  Use compression.  How big is the resulting tar file? _________________
  3. How many files does Jeff Horn have in his pub directory that start with a lower case 'a' and end in '.gif'. _____________________
  4. When did Andy Poe last modify /home/apoe/pub/index.html? _______________________________
  5. What kind of file is '/home/randy/pub/it'? _________________________
  6. How much free disk space (to the nearest M) does euclid have? ______________
  7. How much total installed RAM does googee have? ______________________