1) What command would print all of the filenames in /bin that start with the letter 'l' and end with the letter 's'? For example, "/bin/ls" and "/bin/loadkeys" both should match. 2) What command would print the number of files in /bin that start with a 'd'? 3) What command would create a text file containing all the names of every file in /bin? 4) What command would print the lines in /etc/passwd that have a ":0:" in them? 5) What command would print the lines in /etc/passwd that have a ":0:" in them in alphebetic order? 6) What is special about usernames where the second field in the associated /etc/passwd line is ":0:"? 7) What command would tell me if there are any files anywhere underneight /home that are bigger than 10 meagbytes? 8) Given the two lines of output above, can anyone not named 'joe' delete the file 'secret.txt'? root@machine: ls -ld /home/joe drwxr-xr-x 262 joe joe 20480 2008-09-02 14:50 /home/joe root@machine: ls -ld /home/joe/secret.txt drwxr-xr-x 262 joe joe 1234 2008-09-05 14:53 /home/joe/secret.txt 9) Where is the home diretcory for root? Please feet free to check your /etc/passwd file. 10) What command would tell me if there are any files anywhere underneight /home that are "docx" files? 11) Make me a user named "quiz" with the password "quiz1" using any method that works. Show me. 12) Fix the broken quiz1. 13) Fix the broken quiz1 again. 14) Delete the user quiz and show me.