1) Make a while loop that counts 1,2,4,8,16,...1024. You must do math. 2) Assign the the variable 'a' the number of lines in /etc/passwd. Hint: This only needs one line of code. 3) Print the second-to-last line of /etc/passwd. Only that. 4) If 'b' is less than 10, print 'bad' else print 'good'. Show you can use an if. 5) Print 'yes' or 'no' depending on if the directory /etc/samba exists. Use an if statement. -OR- Print 'yes' or 'no' depending on if the word string "samba" appears in /etc/passwd. Use and if statement. 6) Print the number of users on the system. Use 'uptime' to get the number of users.