1) If you delete the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf will users be able to log in? 2) If you delete the file /bin/bash, will users be able ot log in? 3) If you type 'chmod a-rwx /home/fred' will fred be able to log in? 4) If you remove /home/fred/.bash_profile will fred be able to log in? 5) What would a cron entry to run 'rm /tmp/*' every tuesday look like? 6) What is the command to change the cron table? 7) If I 'rm /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network', name two other /etc/rc.d/rc5.d scripts that won't work. 8) Which file tells the comuter the default runlevel? 9) What does runlevel four do? 10) What's Kuriboh's ability? Hint: It's sacrifice *something*. 11) Which file would you change to change root's password? Hint: Not which command to run, but which file is changed. 12) Write me a shell script that uses a loop to count from 2 to 12. 13) In "Scoobie Doo on Zombie Island", what sinks in quicksand? Hint: It's a kind of camera. 14) What line could you type into bash to change the prompt to "captain:"? 15) Who's /etc/exports is more important, the client or the server? 16) Is /etc/exports a NFS or a Samba file? 17) What is Slifer The Sky Dragon's attack and defense power? 18) What is Obelisk the Tormentor's true ability? 19) What is the relationship between web hits and web page views?