Shell and User Quiz 1) Make is so that when you log in and run 'll' it really runs 'ls -l'. 2) Change your prompt to include the current time of day. 3) Change rm such that it asks before it deletes a file. Hint: read 'man rm'and use an alias. 4) On Euclid, what is the biggest file that ends in ".png" thats at or below /home/bpeterso/pub? 5) On Euclid, one of the professors (apoe, bpeterso, jeffhorn, mkowalcz, rappleto) has a file named "Weather.html" in or below his pub directory. Which professor is it? 6) On Euclid, who can see the contents of the the user "mtu"'s home directory? 7-8) Make me two users named bart and lisa. Both should have the same user id. Both should have the same home directory. However, they should have different passwords. 9-10) Fix the easy thing I break. 11-12) Fix the hard thing I break.