Quiz About Users/NFS/Permissions 1) Which file contains the user's id number? Pick between zero and four. /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow 2) Which file contains the user's encrypted password? Pick between zero and four. /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow 3) I want to delete all the files in the currect working directory that end '.txt'. What command should I type? 3b) Which song says Now you get to watch her leave Out the window Guess that's why they call it window pane 4) I have a user named “iceman”, in the group “iceman”. I wish to make sure he is the owner of his home directory. His home directory is /home/iceman. What command will do this? (i.e. what command will change the directory such that he's the owner?) 5) A user has forgotten his password. I'm root. How do I recover his password? What file should I consult to tell him his password? 6) Where are NFS passwords stored? Which file has the NFS passwords? 7) Which person has superuser privileges? Pick between zero and four. a) name=root userid=1 b) name=admin userid=0 c) name=root userid=0 d) name=admin userid=1 e) This is a trick question. No one has special powers in Unix. 8) I'm an NFS client. My hostname and IP number change. What file on the server must change? 9) I want to mount the server fred.com. I'm barney.com. I want fred's /wilma to appear on my /betty. I DON'T want this to be permanent, just until the next reboot. I have permission on fred.com to do this. What command should I type on barney.com to do this? 10) I want to delete the file wilma.txt. You are not the owner nor the group-owner. It has the permissions "-rwxrw-rw-". a) Yes, you can delete it. b) No, you cannot. c) No, but you could change all the bytes. d) This is a trick question. No way to tell. 11) Make a file such that everyone in the whole world can write to it. Show me. 12) I have changed /etc/fstab. I want those changes to take effect. What command should I type? 13-18) (six points) NFS server/mount the person I tell you to.