1) How many entries in /etc/passwd do not corespond to actual humans? Count them. Root is an actual human. 2) What is special about a user with the userid of 1? 3) Which of these files are world readable: /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow, /etc/gshadow? 4) True/False. If two users have the same data in the second field of /etc/passwd, then they also have the same password. 5) Who can delete the file "/somefile". The output of "ls - /somefile" is -rw-rw-r-- 1 rappleto rappleto 12807 Jan 24 11:33 /somefile Just do it 6-7-8) Make me a user with the username of 'fredd', the password 'wilma', and the numeric userid of 12345 and home directory /home/fredd. 9-10-11) Fix the thing I break.