Write the command that answers these questions. I don't want the answer. I want the command that produces the answer. 1) Does any file in /usr/bin/ have a filename that starts with an 'q'? 2) Does any file in /usr/bin have a filename that has a 'q' for the third letter? 3) How many files within the /lib subtree (i.e. /lib and below) are greater than 1mb in size? I want a command that produces number(s). 4) List all files within the /lib subtree that end in ".so" 5) Make me a list of all users in /etc/passwd in alphabetic order. Hint: You should check out the output of the ' cut --fields=1 --delimiter=: < /etc/passwd' 6) Make me a file containing the list of files and directories in /home Just tell me the answer 7) How many entries in /etc/passwd do not corespond to actual humans? 8) What is special about a user with the userid of 1? 9) Which of these files are world readable: /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow, /etc/gshadow? 10) True/False. If two users have the same data in the second field of /etc/shadow, then they also have the same password. 11) What is the name of the command that decrypts entries in /etc/shadow into the original password? Just do it 12-13-14) Make me a user with the username of 'speaker', the password 'altec', and the numeric userid of 12345. 15-16-17) Fix the thing I break.