There is a drunk. He's on a pier. He stumbles around, Each second he changes his x-location by -1, 0, or 1. On the same second at the same time, he changes his y-location in the same way. On 1/9th of the seconds he does not move at all. He starts in the middle of the pier. Suppose the pier has size 1. Then how many seconds before he falls of the pier? These are the answers my program got. SIZE 1 AVG 1.1272 SIZE 2 AVG 1.8043 SIZE 3 AVG 3.7492 SIZE 4 AVG 5.2996 SIZE 5 AVG 8.0581 SIZE 6 AVG 10.7083 SIZE 7 AVG 14.4517 SIZE 8 AVG 17.6229 SIZE 9 AVG 22.3842 SIZE 10 AVG 26.5854 SIZE 11 AVG 31.8245 SIZE 12 AVG 36.9537 SIZE 13 AVG 43.5331 SIZE 14 AVG 49.7829 SIZE 15 AVG 56.4573 SIZE 16 AVG 62.7432 SIZE 17 AVG 71.8315 SIZE 18 AVG 79.8739 SIZE 19 AVG 87.4086 SIZE 20 AVG 96.1499 SIZE 21 AVG 107.892 SIZE 22 AVG 118.139 SIZE 23 AVG 126.971 SIZE 24 AVG 139.619 SIZE 25 AVG 150.137 SIZE 26 AVG 160.802 SIZE 27 AVG 173.052 SIZE 28 AVG 186.465 SIZE 29 AVG 200.405 SIZE 30 AVG 209.751 SIZE 31 AVG 225.366 SIZE 32 AVG 241.51 SIZE 33 AVG 255.77 SIZE 34 AVG 265.447 SIZE 35 AVG 288.509 SIZE 36 AVG 304.205 SIZE 37 AVG 322.038 SIZE 38 AVG 339.768 SIZE 39 AVG 354.808 SIZE 40 AVG 366.112 SIZE 41 AVG 385.82 SIZE 42 AVG 410.995 SIZE 43 AVG 428.533 SIZE 44 AVG 452.696 SIZE 45 AVG 474.2 SIZE 46 AVG 486.985 SIZE 47 AVG 506.786 SIZE 48 AVG 538.241 SIZE 49 AVG 556.865 Points Item ----------------------------- 1 The drunk moves 1 The drunk falls of the pier 1 The program says how many steps for one size pier 1 The program says an average of how many steps for many runs 1 The program prints numbers for many sizes piers 1 The program has at least three menthod/functions. 1 Every variable has a comment describing contents. 1 Every function has a comment describing the purpose 1 Turned in by Tuesday Sep 1st at midnight -1 Turned in after Thursday Sep 3rd ----- 9 points total