A Naive way to implement Reverse

(define (reverse l)
    (if (null? l)
        (cons (reverse (cdr l)) (car l))

But that produces

==> (reverse '(a b c d e ))

(((((() . e) . d) . c) . b) . a)

A Better way to implement reverse

(define (last x)
        (if (null? (cdr x))
             (car x)
             (last (cdr x))

 (define (allbutlast x)
       (if (null? (cdr x))
            (cons  (car x) (allbutlast (cdr x)))

(define (reverse x)
        (if (null? x)
             (cons (last x) (reverse (allbutlast x)))

A Better Still reverse

(define (reverse l)
    (if (null? l)
        (if (null? (cdr l))
            (if (null? (cdr (cdr l)))
                (list (car (cdr l)) (car l))
                (append (reverse (cdr l)) (list (car l)))

An Even Better way to Implement reverse

(define (reverse l)
    (if (null? l)
        (append (reverse (cdr l)) (list (car l)))