Consider a map of Europe with only Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, Jordan,Iran, Iraq, Syria,Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, Palestine, and Turkey. -OR- France, Germany, Spain, Portugul, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Make me a definition for connected(X,Y) such that... connected(iran, iraq) -> yes connected(egypt, syria) -> yes connected(cyprus, iraq) -> false connected(france, germany) -> yes connected(portugul, poland) -> yes connected(ireland, italy) -> false Make a definition for path(X,Y,P) such that ... path(lebanon, syria, Z) -> Z = [lebanon, syria]). path(egypt, iraq, Z) -> Z = [egypt,israel,jordan,iraq]). path(israel,northerncyprus, Z) -> no path(germany, france, Z) -> Z = [germany, france]). path(portugul, poland, Z) -> Z = [portugul, france, germany, poland]). path(germany, ireland, Z) -> no If connected works, +6 points. If path finds a path between any two touching nation, +1 point. If path finds any path between any two connected nation, +1 point. If path finds all paths between any two connected nation, +1 point. If path finds all non-loopy paths between any two connected nation, +3 point. If path has an infinite loop, -1 point.