1) Using list comprehensions, make me a list of all odd numbers 1 .. 999. You may use the range(0,2000) function but no other range. 2) Using a reduce, add up the numbers 1 .. 100. 3) Using filter, make me a list of every number that is a multiple of 5 or 3. 4) Using map and range, make me a list of letters. Hint: chr(97) == 'a' chr(97+26) = 'z' 5) Using some array slice operations, make me a list of the integers 100 ... 200 and 300...400. You may use range(0,1000) but no other use of range. 6) Using some set operations, make me a set of the integers 100 ... 200 and 300...400. You may use set(range(0,1000)) but no other use of range. 7) Using a dictionary, make a program that reads in names. When a duplicate appears, print "Eeek" and exit. Hints: # read a name name = raw_input("Enter a name") # initialize a dictionary dict = {} # membership testing if "name" in dict: