Python and System-ish Stuff

Python's get the user's name

 1  #!/usr/local/bin/python
 3  import posix
 4  import string
 6  uid = `posix.getuid()`
 7  passwd = open('/etc/passwd')
 8  for line in passwd.readlines():
 9      rec = string.splitfields(line, ':')
10      if rec[2] == uid:
11          print 'hello', rec[0],
12          print 'mind if we call you bruce?'
13          break
14      else:
15          print "I can't find you in /etc/passwd"

Perl's Get the User name

  1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  3 $user = getpwent();
  4 print "hello $user, mind if I call you bruce?\n";
Using Python's FTP library

    from ftplib import FTP

    ftp = FTP('')     # connect to host
    ftp.login()                     # login anonymous
    ftp.cwd('pub/python/doc')       # change directory
    ftp.retrlines('LIST')           # list python/doc
    F = open('python.FAQ', 'w')     # file: python.FAQ
    ftp.retrbinary('RETR FAQ', F.write, 1024)

Using Perl's FTP Library
                       use Net::FTP;

                       $ftp = Net::FTP->new("");
A File Comparor in Python


from sys import *
from os import *
from posix import *

# Define a function which "roots" a path reference, if
#     it's not already rooted.
def root_file_reference(file_reference):
        if file_reference[0] == '/':
                return file_reference
                return getcwd() + "/" + file_reference

def usage():
        print "Usage:  compare_archive TARFILE DIRECTORY"

if len(argv) != 3:

source_archive = root_file_reference(argv[1])
root_of_altered_sources = root_file_reference(argv[2])

tempdir = "/tmp/comparison." + str(getpid())

report = ""
count = 0
system("tar xf " + source_archive)
for file in popen("find . -type f -print").readlines():
                # Chop off the terminal newline.
        file = file[:-1]
        difference = popen("diff %s %s/./%s" %
                        (file, root_of_altered_sources, file)).read()
        if difference != "":
                report = report + "-------------------------------\n"
                report = report + "Modifications in " + file
                report = report + ":\n" + difference
                count = count + 1

system("rm -rf " + tempdir)

print "A total of %s sources have been changed." % count
print report

If you want to try for yourself, simply install Python on a Unix host, save the source into a file named, set its execution bit, and launch it from the command line. You'll see a
result that looks something like:

A total of 2 sources have been changed.
Modifications in ./src/first:
> This is a new line.
Modifications in ./lib/ar/mine.c:
> #include
> #include
> #include