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Good Three Letter Acronyms

Bad Three Letter Acronyms

Good Times of Day 12:03 1:45 10:23pm 8:45 am 7:30 pm Bad Times of Day 1:99 10:23pp pm 6:30 102:345
Good Honorifics Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Bad Honorifics Sir Dear Darling Sweety-Pookems Bad Id. Mp.
Good Numbers 1 12 12.34 123.4567 0.12334 1.23e04 4.567645e-03 Bad Numbers 45.678e09 1.2.3 12a4 4.45-e04 6.78e+-02
Good Book Titles (A good book title has all caps, except that is of the and a & an are not capitlizes unless they start the title) A Small War of Death Of a Small War of Death Of Mice and Men Alan Turing Was a Good Man Why Students Taste Like Chicken Is Rice White and Small And Why is Rice White and Small Bad Book Titles Students eat Teachers and Other Small Rodents and Teachers Are Smarter Than Students is Los Vegas Really There Why Psychos Are Bad Dates And Other Bits Of Advise Three Important Words Are is of the and
Good Dates May 12, 2003 July 15, 101BC March 14, 1AD June 9, 1986AD Dec 25, 4BC Feb 14, 2009 Bad Dates May 4th, 102BC Jan 20, 280 anno domini Sep 30 0ad Apr 1, fool day Dec 25 4BC July 7, 20a06