Your assignment is to find the Golbach pair with the largest minimum prime. The Goldbach conjecture is that for ever even number more than 2, there is a pair of odd primes that add to that number. For example, 8=5+3 and 12=7+5. Below is a list of Goldbach pairs with who's smallest prime is large. You must write in c++. You must use threading. All accesses to a 'max' variable when there are multiple accesses including at least one possible writer must be done under lock. Points: 1 million - produces the right answer 1 million - uses threads 1 million - uses locks 30 thousand - finds the largest such number of all students who submit Due: Thr Sep 14th 6 3 3 12 5 7 30 7 23 98 19 79 220 23 197 308 31 277 556 47 509 992 73 919 2642 103 2539 5372 139 5233 7426 173 7253 43532 211 43321 54244 233 54011 63274 293 62981 113672 313 113359 128168 331 127837 194428 359 194069 194470 383 194087 413572 389 413183