Need for protection
Low security
Keep machines administered
Keep files private
Allow only authorized users to access machines
High Security
Absolutly cannot break
Defined by Gov as things like C2, B2, etc.
Requires auditing, testing, etc.
Very High Security
Purpose -- keep cooperating processes from communicating
Label data as secret, top secret, etc.
Keep track of flows, prevent all flows from low to high.
Types of access
Different from read
Can need memory protection.
Only makes sense for directories
Useful for tmp directory
Types of protection schemes
Access control matrix
List each file, user.
Versitle, easy, but files*users in size.
Access control lists
Becoming popular
Just list within the ACL what users can access what files.
Can list groups instead of users.
EXAMPLE: file1: user1 (RW) user2 (R)
Can include wildcards, but must be careful to make fast.
Often includes default (for files not listed).
Utility programs or OS must move/copy ACL entries with files.
Password per file/directory/subdir-tree
Must remember the passwords
Unix scheme
Tokens (Andrew) Capabilities
Each app has one or more tokens
Presenet token when want to access the file.
Tokens can never be revoked.
Groups implemented by sharing tokens.
Cannot remove one member from a group.