Scheduling the CPU


How does a scheduler work?

This is really a three part question.  You should ask "How does a scheduler keep track of who can run?" and "How can a scheduler switch from one process to another?" and "What process should the scheduler pick next?"

How can a scheduler switch from one process to another?

Switching from one process to another is called a context switch.  The basic idea revolves around a structure that can store the state of a running process such that it can be restored later.  If done correctly, the process has no idea it was ever interrupted.  This structure has been called a process block or a task structure among other things.
  1. Save the CPU's registers (including the program counter) to the stack for the process.
  2. Change stack to the OS's stack
  3. Mark the process as stopped (typically by moving from the run queue to some other queue).
  4. Choose a new process to run.
  5. Load the memory map from the new task structure into the MMU.
  6. Mark that process as running (typically by moving from some other queue to the run queue).
  7. Change the stack to the new processes stack (as loaded from the task-structure)
  8. Load all the registers from that stack
  9. Jump to the saved location of the program counter.
Item 1 is saving the state onto the task-structure.
Item 5-9 is preparing the new process for running.

How does a scheduler keep track of who can run?

Typically, there are a set of queues.  Each queue is just a linked list of pointers to task structures.  Processes currently running on a CPU on on the run queue.  Processes waiting for the CPU are on the ready queue.  Processes waiting for a disk drive number 3 to finish are on the disk3-wait queue.  Processes waiting for network IO to finish are on the network-queue.  Typically there is a queue for every reason a processes might be waiting to run.  There are lots of queues.

What process should the scheduler pick next?

That's tough.  Here are some objectives:

Types of Schedulers

There are two types of schedulers. Non-Preemptive schedulers offer more flexibilty to the application programmer, but force more responsibilty on him.  They are rapidly going out of style.

Scheduler Policies

This is the important part.  Having the wrong scheduler policy destroys the entire systems usability.
Policy Preemptive? Basic Idea Starvation? Advantages Disadvantages Used?
Optimal No Given a set of processes, known running times, a known objective function, and lots of time to do math, it is easy to compute the optimal schedule.  In this scheme there are a finite number of processes.  The question makes little sense. Perfect schedule Takes O(n*n) time, and the preconditions are rarely true. Not really
First Come First Serve No Put the tasks in order by arival time.  Run them in that order.  This is the model the cashier uses at McDonalds Nope. Unless someone has an infinite loop, whcih is unfair. Easy to understand.  It's fair in some sense.  Makes little attempt to optimize the objectives above.  Windows 95 MacOS
Shortest Job Next No Learn the time requirements of all the processes.  Pick the smallest. Yep Optimal wait-times given non-preemption Got to learn the requirements somehow. ?
Shortest Job Next with Preemption Duh Learn the time requirements of all the processes.  Pick the smallest.  If a new process comes in the middle of an existsing one, recompute the times anyway. Yep Optimal wait-times Optimal wait-times ?
Priority If a new process arrives, but not otherwise. Rank all the processes by arbitrary priority.  Run the highest priority. Probably, but it depends on how you assign priority.  Aging prevents this. Does what you want when you want it. You need some scheme to assign priority ?
Shortest Deadline Next If a new process arrives, but not otherwise. Run the process who's deadline to finish is next Yep, but all real time OS's have starvation If the deadlines can be met, this is guarenteed to do it. Someone has to tell the scheduler the deadlines.  But if you're doing a real time OS, you need to do that anyway Most real time OS's
Round Robin Yes Do them for a short while. Then do them again. Repeat. No Feels fair to most people. Easy to do. Does not win in most benchmarks of real world tasks. Sort of where people start, and then they add modifications to make a real scheduler.