Email the class.
Mon Aug 27 -- Syllabus and an overview of operating systems and another.
Wed Aug 29 -- Home work #1 due. Questions 1.3, 1.10, 1.12. Email me the answers. Booting and boot loaders. System calls.
Thr Aug 30 -- Interrupts.
Fri Aug 31 -- Read Chapter 4.1 up to and including 4.4, and chapter 6. Processes. Creating a process in Windows
Wed Sep 5 -- The scheduling algorithms: First come first serve, round robin, shortest job next, longest job next, random, shortest deadline next, priority. Starvation. Pre-emptive vs Non-preemptive schedulers. Variable length time slices. Sounds and the network in the Windows scheduler..
Fri Sep 7 -- Scheduler practice. The old linux scheduler. The CFS linux scheduler (link 2, link 3). 3d Game performance via CFS. The linux task_struct. Processes vs Threads. Threads as a library vs threads as an OS construct. The linux clone system call. Bovine behavior.
Mon Sep 10 -- QUIZ.
Wed Sep 12 -- Kernel developers. goodness.c. SMP considerations. Threads. signal assinment
Fri Sep 14 -- Read chapters 8. Memory.
Wed Sep 18 -- Forking and the C.O.W. Threads and memory maps. How malloc and new work. Multi-level page tables.
Fri Sep 21 -- Paging math. Multi-level page tables. Code.
Mon Sep 25 -- Overcommitting. /proc/self/maps. Fighting with the buffers. /proc/iomem/ /proc/syst/vm/swappiness.
Wed Sep 26 -- Test/Quiz on memory management.
Wed Sep 28 -- Go over test. Files.
Oct Mon 1 -- File systems.
Fri Oct 5 -- Hard drives. Flash cards. RAID.
Mon Oct 8 -- Go over raid levels 2 an 3. Go over other raid levels. Bullet file system.
Wed Oct 10 -- VFAT file system. (wikipedia).
Mon Oct 15 -- More VFAT file system. Long file names. Examples.
Wed Oct 17 -- EXT2.
Mon Oct 22 -- More EXT2 with data structs and block and inode bitmaps. Caching. File protections. Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 homework due.
Fri Oct 26 -- The BIG assignment. Journaling file systems. Log based file systems.
Mon Nov 7 -- NFS.
Mon Nov 12 -- the blimp and NFS.
Mon Nov 18 -- Shell hints and code help.
Mon Dec 3 -- Virtual machines.
Wed Dec 5 -- Review for the Final.