CS 426

Professor: Randy Appleton rappleto@nmu.edu
Times: Mon,Wed,ThrFri at 3pm.
Someone else's notes

Mon Aug 28-- Meet people. Flying and skipping the final exam. Textbook (We will skip the dumb parts). Chapter 1
Wed Aug 30 -- Boot Sequence. Swearing in the kernel with graphs and examples. How linux does a system call. old syscall table kernel code and more code. task_struct. Reach Chapter 3 up to and including 3.3.
Fri Aug 31 -- Chapter 5.
Wed Sep 6 -- QUIZ! . More from chapter 5. Scheduling. More scheduling notes.
Fri Sep 8 -- Picture #1 #2 #3. Say teaching goals! Practice on schedulers. Debate on non-root using real time linux and map page on sched_setattr and a complicated summary and RTlinux. quiz.
Wed Sep 13 -- QUIZ! Threads!!!.
Thr Sep 14 -- Go over quiz. Locking and deadlocks and such.
Fri Sep 15 -- Java threads. Synchronized in java with AtomicInt. Collatz Problem.
Wed Sep 20 -- Practice quiz on threads.
Thr Sep 21 -- Memory Management.
Mon Sep 25 -- Blueborne with blueborne whitepaper. Zephyr. Shared Libraries. Each threads gets a shared copy. Swapping out the whole proc. Worst fit is bad. The books's view of segmenting. The books view of segment hardware. Frames (phy) vs pages (virt). How big is a page table? Flushing the TLB. Effective mem access time. valid/invalid bit. Shared pages (code, const, shared libs, copy-on-write). Heirarchical page tables.
Fri Sep 29 -- How to make collatz code fast. Mon Oct 2 -- Addresses where things are stored. Linux addresses. Trap page at null. Loading your own library at run time Heirarchical page tables. Entropy in the kernel
Wed Oct 4 -- Comparing Segmenting and Paging. WasteRam with and without the touch-a-page loop. LRU. MRU. Random. Belady's Min. Clock. Access patterns in applications (linear, random). COW.
Fri Oct 6 -- Practice memory management test.
Wed Oct 11 -- Return test. Go over the mmap assignment.
Thr Oct 12 -- How Hard Drives work. Hard drive spec. Movie. How solid state works. Perf movie. Wear leveling. RAID. Small raid. big raid.
Mon Oct 16 -- Review RAID and Solid State and spiiny disks. Review terminology. File systems.
Mon Oct 23 -- VFAT day two. The BIG Assignment. EXT2. Journalling file systems.
Thr Oct 26 -- Go over how to fork/exec/path. String tokenizer.
Fri Oct 27 -- Review for the midterm. with answers.
Wed Nov 1 -- Go over test. More exec (with arguments). Colored output. EXT2 again.
Mon Nov 6 -- FS in linux. EXT2 inode. struct inode (also superblock). VFS_READ.hard vs soft links. Extent based file systems. Journalling file systems. Disk head scheduling (with consistyency requirements) AND BATCHING. Formatting. Swap space vs Swap file. Databases and swapping. Mounting. VFS. Permissions (linux, windows) Everything-is-a-file.
Fri Nov 17 -- Speach topics. K-MAX Lawrence Livermore #1 Lawrence Livermore #2 top10 supercomputers 498 of 500 run Linux. MPI hello world.
Mon Nov 27 --File System Review
Wed Nov 29 -- File System Practice Test
Thr Nov 30 -- File System Test
Fri Dec 1 -- Go over test.
Mon Dec 4 -- Show off VMWare. Show off menuconfig. Show off make. VMs.
Wed Dec 6 -- Final Exam ReviewCOURSE EVAL!!!
Thr Dec 7 -- Final Exam Practice with answers
Fri Dec 8 -- Make up day.