CS 426

Professor: Randy Appleton rappleto@nmu.edu
Times: Mon,Wed,Thr,Fri at 2pm.
Mon Aug 26-- Meet people. Flying and skipping the final exam. Textbook (We will skip the dumb parts). Chapter 1
Wed Aug 28 -- Boot Sequence. Swearing in the kernel with graphs and examples. How linux does a system call. old syscall table more code. task_struct. Reach Chapter 3 up to and including 3.3.
Fri Aug 30 -- Context Switching. Illusion of simutinaity. THREADS! Read 4.4 up to (but not including 4.5.1). Thread tutorial. http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS426/Threads
Thr Sep 5 -- Mutex and Thread and Top 20 mistakes.
Fri Sep 6 -- New assignment. join and detach. hardware_concurency. atomic_stuff.
Mon Sep 9 -- Ring buffer code, with locks and without. Copy things vs copy pointers. Conditions variables. Semaphores. Chapter 6.
Wed Sep 11 -- Scheduling
Wed Sep 18 -- Why 8 CPUs takes more time than 1. Load balancing by batch. Worlds fastest CPU. list2. Top500. Graph500. Summet Supercomputer.
Thr Sep 19 -- Thread_sort. Linda MPI.
Wed Sep 25 -- Memory managment
Fri Sep 27 -- QUIZ! Prog contest. Shared Libraries and stubs. Memory protection including the exec bit. Page table size. Multi-level page tables. 5 layer page tables.
Fri Oct 4 -- Last review for test. MMAP assignment.
Wed Oct 7 -- Practice memory test.
Mon Oct 14 -- SSD Endurance (video). RAID. Disk scheduling algorithms.
Thr Oct 17 -- RAID 1+0. RAID 6. Formatting. Don't care about swap space formatting. CRCs. Host attached vs Network attached storage. CD's vs Hard drives. Constant Linear velocity.
Mon Oct 21 -- Metadata. File operations. The file position pointer. (What about append?) File types. Directory ops. Directories are graphs (cycle detection). Mounting a dir. Networked file systems. Consistency models.
Mon Oct 28 -- Review VFAT. Start EXT2 (Paper by me).
Mon Nov 18 -- Speaches!!!
Fri Nov 22 -- Speaches quiz
Thr Dec 6 -- Review for the final.
RAID: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/04/understanding-raid-how-performance-scales-from-one-disk-to-eight/