Mon Aug 23 -- Syllabus stuff. Masks. Defintion of cheating. Definiton of operating system. First chapter.
Wed Aug 25 -- Computing Pi Assignment. Get Core Count How to do threads in Java. Java UpDown. How to time a program.
Thr Aug 26 -- Book slides.. Read chapter 3.0->3.3.Speedup equation. Processes and threads with looper/top demo and renice and state diagram.
Mon Aug 30 -- Quiz. Look at code.
Wed Sep 01 -- Return quiz. Chapter 4 slides 4,10,13,22-27,38,39,41-44,53-55. and Measuring how long something takes in c++ and the other way.
Thr Sep 02 -- Scheduling. Looper!
Fri Sep 3 -- Hot caches. Real time (soft vs hard). Aging. Looper. Chart.
Wed Sep 8 -- How long should a time slice be? Shorttest remaining time and priority with premption. What is the unit of fairness, thread or process? Multi level queues. Chapter 5 slides 45-52.
Fri Sep 10 -- Atomic in c++ and How to use atomics in c++ and Locks in c++. mutex. Shared vs exclusive. shared_mutex and lock
Mon Sep 13 -- Make a chart with mutex, recursive mutex, lock, recursive lock, and condition variables.
Wed Sep 15 -- What wait does and Condition variable example with unique_lock vs lock_guard. bigger condition variable example. Thr Sep 16 -- Deadlocks.
Fri Sep 17 -- Top500 supercomputers. supercomputer pics Virtual tour of a supercomputer center Supercomputing via credit card. MPI Hello world. Japanese supercomputer report.
Wed Sep 22 -- Address layouts. Virtual vs Physical addresses. Segmenting.
Mon Sep 27 -- Review paging. Choosing a page size. Internal fragmentation. Compare with external fragmentation. Load time adress binding and shared libraries. How TLBs work. How CPU caches work. The PTBR. How many page tables. Where is the OS in the page table?
Wed Sep 29 -- slides 18-44, 51-54, 56, 65..
Thr Sep 30 -- page replacment algorithms including LRU,Belady's Min, Random, FIFO, LIFO, One handed clock, and two handed clock.
Wed Oct 13 -- Review for the midterm
Thr Oct 14 Midterm!!!!!
Fri Oct 15 -- What is a file. What is a soft link. What is a hard link. What is a inode number. What does readdir do. The dircount assignment. Sample readdir code. More sample readdir code. is it a link code and Readlink code.
Mon Oct 20 -- Error codes! and How hard drives work and Speed demo (watch in class) and How do SSDs work.
Wed Oct 27 -- Spam. M1 cpu.
Mon Nov 1 -- File systems
Thr Nov 4 -- VFAT!.
Fri Nov 5 -- EXT2
Mon Nov 15 -- Chapter 11 Bullet file system
Wed Nov 17 -- /proc file system. Chapter 11 especially slides 11.7,14,17-26) Mon Nov 29 -- Pipe example #1 and Student written fork/exec/pipe code (with bugs!). Interrupts.
Thr Dec 2 -- Final Exam Review
Skipped: Chapter 14 Ways to do a file system slides 14-22, 30,32, 46.