Mon Aug 23-- Syllabus and an overview of operating systems and another. Read Chapter 1.
Wed Aug 23 -- Read Chapter 2. Go over email topics. Review four level diagram. Timing program. Size of the kernel (files, bytes). Swearing in the kernel with graphs and examples. How linux does a system call. syscall_table_32.S entry_32.S getpid() and getuid current_uid current_cred_xxx task_struct task struct cred field struct cred uid_t kernel_uid_t Go over simple vs layered vs microkernel approaches to kernel design. Virtual machines. System booting.
Wed Sep 1 -- Processes. Read chapter 3 up to and including 3.3.2
Fri Wep 3 -- OS Share graph. Scheduling. Scheduler system calls. Scheduling algorithms. Read Chapter 5.
Wed Sep 8 -- Go over chapter 5.
Fri Sep 10 -- Scheduling algorithms. completely fair scheduler. BF Scheduler. BF FAQ. Quiz on Chapter 5.
Mon Sep 13 -- Quiz
Wed Sep 15 -- Chapter 8.0-8.3. memory heirarchy. notes.
Fri Sep 17 -- Selection of a DNA aptamer for homocysteine using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment. Software only solutions to memory management. Practice segmentation. Talk about paging.
Mon Sep 20 -- memory access times and Windows memory map and iPaq memory map and Linux memory map and DOS memory map and Windows CE memory map.
Wed Sep 22 -- MMAP assignment and mmap example and more page tables.
Fri Sep 24 -- Pentium segments + paging together. Inverted page tables. Hash page tables. Page replacement algorithms (locality of reference, one and two handed clocks, fifo, belady's min, lru, lru with arrays, fru , madvise, mlock, etc.)Intel page table entry.
Wed Oct 6 -- movie!. RAID. Japanese disk array. example 2. raid array for sale. controller card.Read Chapter 14.
Mon Oct 11 -- RAID, including RAID 1+0 and 0+1. Trim command. Master boot records and Their replacement. File systems.
Mon Oct 18 -- File consistency semantics. Directory structure. Locking (advisory vs manditory).
Wed Oct 20 -- Protection. Windows protection. System protection. extended unix protections. Bullet file system.
Mon Oct 25 -- QUIZ on file system semantics, locking (both advisory and manditory), directories, determining file types, protection, RAID (especially RAID 0,1,5,1+0, and 0+1), disk scheduling. Read chapter 10 and chapter 12.
Wed Oct 27 -- VFAT file system. Bullet file system. .
Wed Nov 3 -- EXT2. EXT3.
Mon Nov 8 -- Review journalling. Review EXT2. NFS. smb.
Wed Nov 10 -- Andrew file system. Comparing andrew and NFS and CIFS. Caching. Cache files or cache disk blocks. hot cache vs cold cache. File cache size determination. Hit rate definition. hit rate graph. my hit rates. Top's output. Firefox's caching. Caching and multiple users. write-through vs delayed-write. Read chapter 17. Do 17.3, 17.11. 17.12.
Nov 19 -- xkcd. LWN's patch. lwn's article. Phoronix videos. alternative. Interrupts wiki. signals. Interrupt latency data. inetterup latency.
Fri Dec 3 -- Review for final.