Aug 19 -- Syllabus stuff. Masks. Defintion of cheating. Definiton of operating system. First chapter.
Aug 20 -- Collatz Assignment. Stack Overflow Java Concurrency. Java Calculating pi. Java UpDown. How to time a program.
Aug 21 -- Speedup equation. Deadlocks. More about locking. Atomics.
Aug 24 -- Video on process and thread and locking video on processes Basics of a process. struct task_struct.
Aug 25 -- QUIZ. First come first serve. Round robin. shortest job next. multi level feedback queues. shortest deadline next. Priority.
Aug 30 -- Program stuff : locking, timing. 2 minutes on Priority Scheduling. Non-preemtive schedulers: FCFS, SJN, Prioity scheduling and Preemptive schedulers: Priority, Round robin, SJN with Preemption Examples. Power and battery consideration. Go over quiz.
Sep 9 -- Producer-comsumer in java More complicated producer-consumer in Java.
Sep 23 -- Videos!!!! VM#1 VM#2. VM#3. VM#4. VM#5. VM#6. VM#7.

Oct 1 -- Page replacment algorithms including LRU,Belady's Min, Random, FIFO, LIFO, One handed clock, and two handed clock.
Oct 8 -- The dircount assignment. VM protection (including, why the random offset, what does every process map the same, etc). reading a dir in linux video.
Oct 15 -- Error codes! and How hard drives work and Speed demo (watch in class) and How do SSDs work.
Oct 29 -- Windows vs Linux. More things from the big assignment.
Nov 2 -- VFAT video. Inodes in EXT2 video Everything you need to know to pass the class How a FAT works.
Nov 5 -- EXT2 paper
Nov 17 -- Top500 supercomputer and Picture and Picture 2 (Oak Ridge) Virtual tour and Booting.12,000 lines. Microkernel.
Nov 19 -- Final Exam Review. Course Eval.