1) How many directory entries does it take to store "Go pack go.txt"? 2) How many VFAT entries are there per VFAT32 for a 1 gigabyte drive with a sectors per cluster of 1? In other words, how many entries is EACH FAT table in such a file system? 3) How much space does it take to store a one byte long file on the drive above? Don't count the directory entries or the VFAT entries. 4) How long does it take to seek to the end of a file of 'n' clusters size in VFAT? O(1) O(log n) O(n) O(n**2) 5) Name two attributes of a VFAT file except the system bit? 6) What does the system bit do? 7) Name one disadvaantage of the Bullet file system. 8) What does it mean if I find a directory entry in the root directory with the volume label bit set? 9) When you click on a Macintosh icon associated with a data file, how does it know what application to run? 10) I have a 512 Meg flash stick that I was stupid and formatted via VFAT 16. How much space does a one byte file take? 11) My goal is to make a file system that holds only one file. This file should fill the hard drive. How many FAT entries do I need. a) One (for the file) b) Three: the file, directory . and directory .. c) Something else 12) Which can hold more file data on a 100 megabyte flash drive? a) drive formatted with VFAT 16 b) drive formatted with VFAT 32 c) They are the same