Gnutella 1) In the Gnutella network as it's currently run, are there any special nodes or central servers? a) Yes, there are b) No, there are not 2) Recall than when you send a ping to your neighbor you must of course know the IP number and port to connect to. Never the less, all ping replies contain the IP number and port of the replyer. How come? 3)How many times does a client receive each message. a) Exactly once always. b) Only once if the network is working right c) Often more than once if the network is working right. d) More than once only if the network has errors. 4) Suppose I want to search for 'Buffy*avi'. What does byte 16 of the search packet contain? (Hint: I want a number.) 5) Suppose you do a search, and a servent who is not your gnutella network immediate neighbor has the file. Which of the following is true (circle all that apply)? a) A reply describing where to find the file comes from an immediate neighbor. b) A reply describing where to find the file comes from the posseser of the file. c) A file not possesed only by distant neighbors cannot be found using gnutella. d) It depends on if the 'pong suppression' extension is used. e) None of these. 6) Using Gnutella it's very hardto tell the IP number of the downloader of one of your files. a) true b) false RMI 1) Suppose I have an RMI client/server, and I want to implement a 'quit' command. I notice that every time the client sends the server the quit message, the RMI call dies in the middle of the call. How can I stop the annoying error message the client's user recieves? 2) Suppose I want to create an RMI call that sums the value of nodes within a binary tree. Which is correct? a) I must send all the nodes manually. b) I send the top node, RMI will make sure the rest get sent over automatically, c) One cannot send objects containing pointers to an RMI call. Pointers are not serializable. d) I really think SPAM is a good thing. e) None of the above. 3) I have an RMI call that uses SuperClass as a parameter. Can I offer an instance of SubClass as that parameter, assuming that SubClass inherits from SuperClass? a) Yep b) Nope 4) I have an interface named Inter that describes the methods I want performed using RMI. Who creates an object that implements Inter? a) The Server b) The Client c) Both d) Neither 5) Suppose a server has multiple clients at the same time. These clients call methods on the server at the same time. Which is true? a) Only one method will run at a time. RMI will make sure of this. b) Both methods will run at the same time, even if the server has to make new threads to do so. c) RMI servers can only have one connection to a client at a time. The RMI registry will ensure this. d) Sending SPAM to SPAMMERS changes their behavior. IPv4 & IPv6 1) In an TCP/IPv6 startup, what is the purpose of the second packets sent begining the dialog? 2) What is the value of the first four bits of an IPv6 header that contains a 1001 byte TCP packet with a TTL field of 255 and no extra headers? 3) What is the absolutely largest amount of data that can be sent in an IPv6 packet? 4) Beyond increasing the address space, IPv6 had other goals. Name one. 5) In what way does the IPv6 time-to-live field differ from the IPv4 time-to-live field? Kazaa 1) Do clients of the Kazaa network see searches perfomed on the network? a) Only searches that match files contained on the client are sent to the client. b) All searches known by the client's SuperNode are sent to the client. c) Only searches done by other clients sharing the same SuperNode are sent to the client. d) Very few searches are seen by the client. 2) Which is true? a) Kazaa uses all UDP b) Kazaa uses mostly UDP and a bit of TCP c) Kazaa uses mostly TCP and a bit of UDP d) Kazaa uses all TCP e) Kazaa doesn't use TCP or UDP. 3) Do Kazaa central servers have a list of all client's shared files? a) Yep b) Nope 4) Name any bit of information contained within the *.dat temporary file's appendix. 5) How does a Kazaa client decide which possible SuperNodes it should search for first? a) The one used most recently b) The one with the biggest CPU and bandwidth c) The one suggested by the local central server. d) It chooses randomly from within the cache of known SuperNodes. e) None of these. Combined 1) Kazaa and Gnutella can work using IPv6 without any code changed a) It seems likely b) It seems unlikely 2) Which is better, Kazaa or Gnutella? Why??