RMI What functionality does it offer? What are some ways to tell a normal method call from an RMI call? Marshalling What is it? What can be marshalled? Which things are marshalled? Registry What line of Java starts the registry? What line of Java adds to the registry? What line of Java finds things in the registry? What line of Java deletes things from the registry? Why do we have a registry? Which class files does the registry need? Stubs and Skels What do they do? Callbacks Why have them? How to code them? How is the registry involved in all this? IPv6 and IPv4 Know every field in the IPv4 and IPv6 header. What problems does IPv6 solve (more than just address space)? Understand how each IPv6 packet can have multiple headers. Understand the TCP startup and teardown sequences. Kazaa Understand the three level heirrarchy How does a Kazaa servent connect to the network Cache of previous connections The traceroute trick What is a Supernode? Who do they talk to? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a supernode? What are the advantages and disadvantges of the network haing superndes? Upon which protocol is Kazaa based? Why does Kazaa hash files? How dod *.dat temporary files work? What's in them? Why did they pick this format? Gnutella Understand the amorphos network topology How does a Gnutella servent connect to the network Cache of previous connections Who gets pinged and why and what information is in the reply? What is an Ultrapeer? Who do they talk to? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an Ultrapeer What are the advantages and disadvantges of the network having Ultrapeers? Does Gnutella hash files? Understand the packet format for the Gnutalla network. Know what each byte is for a simple packet. Why do we have message IDs Under whatconditions dfo packets getforwarded Under what conditions do packets get dropped. Why do Gnutella packets follow the gnutella network yet file data goes straight threw?