Midterm I Advanced Networking -- A Dream of a Test

  1. Suppose I want to send a private secret message from me to the Sandman.  Using public key encryption, with what key do I send the message, and how do I get that key?

  2. _________________________________________________________________________
  3. Which is the creature you want to be?
    1. A Saytre
    2. A Nymph
    3. A Troll
    4. A Succubus
  4. In IPv6 what type of application might use the 'flow label' field of the header, and why would it want to?

  5. ___________________________________________________________________________
  6. IPv4 has some header options that IPv6 does not have.  Examples include the all of the fragmentation stuff.  Does IPv6 support fragements, and if so how (since the header format has changed)?

  7. ____________________________________________________________________________
  8. Is there anything that IPv4 does better than IPv6, and if so what?

  9. ____________________________________________________________________________
  10. In dreams, what does a cigar usually represent?
    1. Your relationship with your mother.
    2. It's a symbol like your car.
    3. A VERY powerful male authority figure.
    4. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
  11. How big (in bits) is an IPv6 address? _______________________________________________
  12. Which is most correct?
    1. IPv6 is already widely in use.  More people use it than IPv4.
    2. IPv6 is ready to be used.  People are slowly begining the switchover.
    3. IPv6 should be ready for use within 10 years.  The protcol still has serious bugs, but their working on it.
    4. IPv6 will likely be replaced by yet a better protocol, and therefore never used.
  13. Which type of routing algorithm takes the last amount of memory for routing information?
    1. Heirarchical
    2. Shortest Path
    3. Flooding
    4. Changelings
  14. Which routing algorithm is guarenteed to find the shortest path even in the face of failures?
    1. Heirarchical
    2. Shortest Path
    3. Flooding
    4. Changelings
  15. Typically, how often do routers exchange information?
    1. One per second
    2. Once per minute
    3. Once per day
    4. Once per week
  16. Assume each route starts with no knowledge, not even it's closest neighbors.  After ONE (1) exchanges of information, what does the routing table for B look like?

  17. After three exchanges, what does the routing table for A look like?

  18. Suppose that the link between D and E fails.  How many exchanges of information before everything is stable again?
  19. What is the diameter of the network above? ______________________________
  20. Does split horizon always solve the count to infinity problem? ________________
  21. What type of network is best routed by shortest path, and what type by heirarchical?
    Shortest Path: __________________________________________________________________________
    Heirarchical: ___________________________________________________________________________
  22. In IPv6 can intermediate routers fragment a packet, or must only the source host do it? ________________
  23. The minimum IPv4 header length is 20 bytes.  What is it for IPv6? _________________________________
  24. This test
    1. Was a dream
    2. Was a nightmare
    3. Was a passion play as could only be written by Shakespere.