Client Server Program #1
Your job is to improve the client and server.
Due Fri Sep 25th.
You must first start the server. Do this by typing the command
followed by a port number more than 1024.
server 6524 &
The run the client. Do this by typing the client command,
by the server's host name and the servers port number.
client 6524
If at any point you get "command not found" then "." is not in
your path, and you should precede the command name with "./" for
./client 6524
- <>Check for errors Every system call should print an informative
error message on failure.>
- The perror line is wrong.
- Have the server print who is contacting it.
- Right now the client goes into an infinite loop when you press
Fix that bug.
- Have the server play a sound when someone connects.