Randy Appleton's CS422 – Advanced Networking


Randy Appleton
NSF 1131


This class is designed for junior or senior level students who are comfortable with complex computer concepts.  I have several goals fo this class:

Textbooks and URLs.

No textbook.

I assume that everyone knows "C++" and has a basic understanding of Unix.  If not come see me.

The URL for this class is http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS422. Almost all my notes can be found there.


Grades are assigned from projects (1/2), a midterm (1/4), and a final(1/4). There might be a quiz at the end of every section or two (always pre-announced). If so, each quiz will count for very little towards the total grade. Hopefully the quizes will let you know how you are doing while there is still time to change it, and let me know what subject areas I need to review.  The web site will have a grade sheet showing how you stand compared to your fellow students.

The projects are quite important. Each project will be structured so that everyone can finish it completely. If you have trouble with a project, come ask me (or a fellow student) for help. My goal is to have everyone challanged, but also finish each project. You can get help in any way you feel appropriate, but make sure that YOU DO THE WORK and that YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT.

Late Policy

I hate late assignments!!! However, it is much better to turn something in late rather than not at all. The late penalty idepends on the project and the reason. You can ask for a later due date if you ask when the project is assigned. If there was some unavoidable reason you could not turn a project in on time (i.e. car crash, snow day, etc.) just ask me to waive the penalty. I'm pretty lenient.

Extra Credit

I'll be happy to give a little extra credit. It would probably be some sort of addition to a project, but I'm open to ideas. Ask anytime.

ADA Statement
If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability Services Office by: coming into the office at 2001 C. B. Hedgcock; calling 227-1700; or e-mailing disserv@nmu.edu.  Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state, and University guidelines.