Your task is to make a database of pictures. They add pictures
by telling the database the URL of the picture to be added. The
database then goes and gets the picture, copying it into the database
itself. After the picture is added, the user can modify the keywords
associated with the picture.
This database has a search
feature. A user can search the database and find all pictures of a
given size matching given keywords.
This database has delete
screen, where users who have logged in with the appropriate
permissions can delete pictures from the database.
Minus 5 points per day after October 18th at 3pm!
You are required to tell me which points you are claiming, and the primary author for each.
Out of 70 points four couples, and 78 points for thruples.
The Add-A-Picture Screen (12 points)
Asks for a picture to download.
Gets the picture. (10 point)
If successful, prints a success message and offers a link to the edit-the-picture screen. (1 point)
If unsuccessful, prints an error message and offers a link to try again. (1 point)
The Edit-A-Picture Screen (12 points)
Shows the existing keywords for the picture. (2 points)
Allows the user to change the keywords (2 points)
Prevents the user from adding the same keyword twice (3 points)
Prevents the user from adding a banned keyword (3 points)
Has a delete-the-picture button (2 points)
The Search-For-A-Picture Screen (up to 28 points)
Anyone can search
Asks for a set of keywords
Finds pictures that match the keyword (4 points) or keywords (9 points)
Shows one picture (4 points) OR shows all the pictures (9 points) OR shows a thumbnail page of the pictures (18 points)
Clicking on the picture takes on to the edit-the-picture page (1 point)
How to convert an image of one size to an image of
another: |
The Login Screen (12 points)
Asks for the user name and password
Verifies these against a database. (3 points)
Sets a session variable the allows access to the database. (3 points)
The other pages honor this session variable, and limit themselves accordingly (6 points)
Should the session variable be permanent?
The Add-A-User Page (3 points)
Allows one to add a user. (1 point)
Only the PictureMaster can do this (1 point)
Refuses to allow a duplicate user (1 point)
The Delete-A-User Page (3 points)
Allows one to delete a user (1 point)
Only the PictureMaster can do this (1 point)
Complains if you try to delete a non-existant user (1 point)
The Random-Picture Page (8 points)
Pops up a random picture (4 points)
Also tells the keywords for the picture. (2 points)
Offers a link to the edit-the-picture page. (1 point)
Offers a like to the next-random-picture page. (1 point)