The Picture Database

Your task is to make a database of pictures. They add pictures by telling the database the URL of the picture to be added. The database then goes and gets the picture, copying it into the database itself. After the picture is added, the user can modify the keywords associated with the picture.

This database has a search feature. A user can search the database and find all pictures of a given size matching given keywords.

This database has delete screen, where users who have logged in with the appropriate permissions can delete pictures from the database.

Minus 5 points per day after October 18th at 3pm!

You are required to tell me which points you are claiming, and the primary author for each.

Out of 70 points four couples, and 78 points for thruples.

The Add-A-Picture Screen (12 points)

The Edit-A-Picture Screen (12 points)

The Search-For-A-Picture Screen (up to 28 points)

The Login Screen (12 points)

The Add-A-User Page (3 points)

The Delete-A-User Page (3 points)

The Random-Picture Page (8 points)