CS 460 SQL Quiz

1-3) Create a table in cs460 database to descibe the data below. 

Type will always be rocky or gas.  Length of year is always between 0.24 and 247.7.  No planet has more than 20 moons.  Name is never null.  The default number of moons for a planet should be zero. 

Choose types that BEST FIT this data, and that MINIMIZE table space.
Name NumMoons Type LengthOfYear
Mercury 0 Rocky 0.24
Venus 0 Rocky 0.62
Earth 1 Rocky 1
Jupiter 16 Gas 11.86
Saturn 18 Gas 29.46
Pluto 1 Rocky 247.7

4-6) You should also make a table for the planetary probes.
| probe     | year | dest    |
| Pioneer 5  | 1960 | sun     |
| Mariner 10 | 1974 | Mercury |
| Messenger  | 2008 | Mercury |
| Zond       | 1964 | Venus   |
| Viking     | 1976 | Mars    |
| Cassini    | 2000 | Jupiter |
| Galileo    | 1995 | Jupiter |

Scoring:  1 point for making a table, one point for getting the right types, and one point for inserting the data.  Make the table, and show me the results of "select * from tablename" and "describe tablename".

4) Write an SQL querry showing how many planets there are in the database.  Your query should return '7'.
select count(*) from planets; OR
select count(name) from planets;

5) Write an SQL querry showing how many moons there are in the database.  Your query should return '38'.
select sum(NumMoons) from planets;

6) Write an SQL query showing the number of probes that went to Mars.  Your query should return a single number.
select count(probe) from probes where dest = "Mars";

7) Write an SQL querry showing every probe that went to a planet which has moons.  Your query should return a list of probe names.
select probe from probes, planets where dest = name and NumMoons > 0 group by probe;

8) Write an SQL query that shows the names of every probe that went to a rocky planet.  Your query should return a list of probe names.
select distinct probe from probes, planets where dest = name and type = "Rocky";

9) Write an SQL query that shows the probe which experienced the shortest year.  Your query should return a list of probe names.
select probe from probes, planets where dest = name order by lengthofyear limit 1;

10) Write an SQL query which shows the planet with the longest year.  Your query should return 'Pluto'.
  select name from planets order by lengthofyear desc limit 1;

11) Write an SQL query that shows all the gas giant planets.  Your query should return a list of planets.
select name from planets where type = "Gas";

12) Write an SQL query that show all planets with at least one moon.  Your query should return a list of planets.
select name from planets where nummoons > 0;