3rd Normal Form and Database Design

Requirements of third normal form: Why atomic items?
Consider a database like the one below.  How would you determine the total number of hammers ordered in a year?
This often happens for addresses, where ZIP code and CITY and STATE should all be seperate.  However, often streat number and street name are in the same field.  That's generally OK but can be viewed as a technical violation.
CusID Item Date Amount
0001 3 screwdrivers, 2 hammers 01/03/97 $12.72

Why a Primary Key?
Every column should be dependent on the primary key, which can be either a single column or a group of columns.  Consider a database like the one below.  Note how there is no primary key, and as a result you end up repeatidly typing in the same customer address.  BAD!  The second set of tables below every table has a primary key, and there is not repeated data entry.  Breaking a table into two tables like this is called decomposition.However, to get the address of those who ordered a fridge, you must do a join.
CustID Address Item Quant
0001 1212 West Fair TV 2
0002 918 Cleveland Fridge 1
0001 1212 West Fair Fridge 1
CustID Address
0001 1212 West Fair
0002 918 Cleveland
CustID Item Quant
0001 TV 2
0001 Fridge 1
0002 Fridge 1

Why no dependency except on primary key?
Every column should be dependent on only the primary key.  Otherwise, inconsistency can arrise.  Consider the table below.  The primary key is the Car#, but because the address is not dependent soley on the car#, it ends up being repeated data.
Car# Owner Color Address
19765 Vance Armstrong Red 1298 Fair Ave
19767 Vance Armstrong White 1298 Fair Ave
90876 Juli Baracz Green 7 Third St.

When to denormalize?
Genearally, never.  But if denormalizing can avoid an expensive join, and that join would happen over and over again, and performance is critical, then you might denormalize.  But if so, you will have to add code to every application that changes the database to check for consistency.