
Field Either an attribute, or a column of attributes
Tuple  All fields in one table associated with a single item.  A "row" of a table.
Record See tuple.
Relation A set of records with identical structure.  A "table".
Metadata  A description of every table and the associated fields.
Index A data structure that speeds access when searching, but does not change the semantic content of the database.
BLOB A Binary Large Object.
Key A field or set of fields that is unique for each record.  For example, social security number is a key for people, and birthday is not.
Projection To choose only certain fields of a table.
Selection To choose only certain records of a table.
Join To produce a new table that is the Cartesian product of the two tables.  To "multiply" two tables.
Scheme A set of table descriptions that describe the database.  Just like metadata but without the field types.
Consistent The database describes the real world as intended.
Decomposition To break a single table into multiple tables.
Database A set of tables
Transaction The unit of work in a database.
Commit Make the transaction's changes permement
Abort Erase the transaction's changes
Lock Rights to a data item that preclude other's from that data item
Deadlock A set of transactions that will wait forever on each other because of conflicting locks.
SQL The Structured Query Language
Oracle The most popular commercial database
DB2 The other most popular commercial database
mSQL Our database software
Lite The langauge we will use to access the mSQL database.