The Alliance Builder ...

You must work in teams of two or three.  Your task is to create a web site that allows one to group nations into alliances, and then compares those alliances.  An example can be found at

Your code must use function.  Each function must have a comment describing

My code is available.  You may look at it.  You may NOT use ANY of it.
2 points You have an HTML form that asks for number of alliances and names
4 points You can generate the alliance menu with a CGI script from the database
1 point You can vary the order based on user request
4 points You can compute the total GDP, POP, and AREA for each alliance
4 points You give the user a chance to modify his original alliance assignments
7 points You draw a map
1-3 point Your code is easy to read
minus 1-3 Your code is hard to read
3 point You use a perl object (it must be useful and O-O)
1 point You use another perl object
3 points You name the alliances automatically based on largest nation (by area, pop, gdp)
2 points You compute GDP and POP growth for each alliance
1 point You have nice backgrounds
1 point You have nice looking pages
-3 points There were three in the team
-2 points Your web page plays music
3 points You generate bar graphs comparing the alliances on size, pop, and gdp
1 point Each nation in the menu is a link to the CIA web page for that nation
2 points For each nation you generate a 'power factor'
Power factor = (my_gdp/world_gdp + my_pop / world_pop)/2
1-2 Good use of color