You shall make a set of perl scripts that makes an image archive.  You can find an image archive at

The Thumbnailer ...
    Takes as input parameter a filename (*)
    If there is no thumbnail in the database
       Make a thumbnail (*)
       Stick it in the database (*)
    Display the thumbnail (*)
The only output from the thumbnailer is a picture.  It does not produce HTML except in case of error!

The Directory Lister
    Takes a directory as input parameter (*)
    For every file
       Makes a link who's body is the thumbnailer with this file as parameter and who's target is the original file (*)
    For every directory
       Make a link who's body is a directory icon and who's target is the directory lister with this directory as parameter. (*)

The Searcher
    Offers a form to describe the search (*)
    Returns a bunch of thumbnails to match the searched picture (*)
select filename from thumbnails where filename like "%plane%";

The Uploader
    Offers a form to the user (*)
    Copies a file from the user's client into the filesystem.(*)
Permisions will be interesting

    The Thumbnailer checks to see if the database's thumbnail coresponds to this file.  Maybe check the date and/or size and/or checksum. (*)
    The Directory Lister shows as a folder's icon a thumbnail ftom the folder. (*)

This project is due the Wednesday after spring break, and you lose 10% for every week thereafter.  The first 10% is lost at Wed, 5pm just after spring break.
YOU MUST DO AT LEAST TWO OF *.gif, *.png, and *.jpg