Your assignment is to make a blog. This will have three web pages. Input Page * Asks for a title (textfield), text (text area), and a mood (radio buttons). * Sticks the data into the database. * Checks that all three pieces are filled in. * Puts in the current date and time. * Has a link to read the blog entries. * Has a link to clear the database. * Allows the person to enter a picture * Checks for naughty words. Reading Page * Shows the picture if there is one * Shows blog entries in chronological sorted order. * Can show most-recent-first or least-recent-first depending on a variable in the URL. * Has a link on each blog entry that deletes that blog entry. * Highlights any URLs that might be there. * highlights any email addresses that might be there. Clear it Page * Wipes out everything, makes new tables. Other Stuff * Escapes things put in the mysql database. * Escapes things printed to the web server. Due Mon Oct 8. All common code should go into a common file. 'require' this file.