Make me a web page that plays guess the nation Max:100% Due: Wed Nov 16th ---------50%---------------- Fetch a random nation. Show the user the flag. If the person can enter the full name, increase their win count, else increase their lose count. You can find flags for every nation at (example) ---------80%---------------- Fetch a random nation. Show the person the name of every nation that nation touches. If the person can enter the full name, increase their win count, else increase their lose count. For 'France", you should show "Spain", "Italy", "Switzerland", "Germany", "Luxemburg", and "Belgium". Don't choose island nations! -----------+10%----------- The background changes color depending on winning or losing. ---------+10%------------ There is a reset button ---------+10%------------ They only have 5 seconds to guess, or they auto-lose. ---------+10%------------ You tell them how the last guess went .. win or lose --------+10%------------ You tell them how the last 5 went ... win or lose ------------+10%------------------------ If their win percentage < 50% only show nations with at least 100 million people If their win percentage < 70% only show nations with at least 50 million people Otherwise Show any nations