The Calender Project ...

Your boss is a busy executive.  You are a peon.  Your task is to help your boss my making a web site where he can keep his appointments.  For an example, see .
Points Task
4 Can keep a list of appointments each with 
  • Start time
  • Stop time
  • Date
  • Comments
6 Is an applet downloadable via web page
4 Can keep a seperate appointment list for several people
3 Keeps track of a login name and password for those people
4 There is a public view and a private view for each calendar.  Every event can be marked 'public' or 'private'
4 Your calendar actually knows
  • How many days in each month
  • Gets the days of the week right (Knows what November 1st is)
  • Deals with leap years at least to 2050
3 It won't let you schedule two meeting at the same time
4 Given a list of people, you calender can find an open meeting time
1 I get to see the Buffy video tape that explains Buffy's sister
3 The Calender has a list of public holidays and I can turn that display on and off
2 There is a link from each day to the TV guide entry for that day
4 The calender will email me reminders
997 Lists birthdays for Jeff and the Poe
3 Lets me schedule a repeated event (Buffy every Tuesday at 9-10pm)
1 Stores passwords in an encrypted format
3 Lets you search for an event by name (soundex works great here)
2 Is an applet with buttons
-73 Fails to use JDBC
2 Default view starts at the current day (or somehow shows it knows the current date.  Maybe by showing it in a different color)
2 Can print a list of reminders from a start date to a stop date

Remember that all applets live in a sandbox.  You will need to work around that to get email to work.

Due Monday Nov 27th.