Make me a picture database!

You will need to make THREE programs. Due Thursday Oct 6th at 4pm!

The Uploader Program

It’s job is to upload a picture into the database.

Basically, you just do the form at

  • Upload a picture to the database (20%)

  • Check for missing filename (5%)

  • Check for missing mime-type (5%)

  • Check for missing file data. (5%)

The View Program

It’s job is to show ONE picture. No HTML, just show the picture. (35%)

Remember, that the ‘id’ field comes from the internet and must be used safely.

The Gallery Program

It’s job is to go through the database of pictures and spit out a line like this for each picture.
<img src=view.php?id=12><br>

  • List each picture (20%)

  • Show size information from the original picture: (5%)
    <img src=view.php?id=12 width=500 height=300><br>

  • Show the file name with each picture: (5%)
    <center>A forest</center><img src=view.php?id=1><br>

You may use my code at,

but if so you must convert it to use the object style database commands, and not the

old style procedural commands. In other words, something like

$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'my_user', 'my_password', 'my_db');

-and not-

mysql_connect('localhost','my_user','my_password', 'my_db');