Your mission is to make a flight planner. Ask for: * How much fuel (decimal, in hours) * How far is the flight (integer, in miles) * How fast is the plane (integer, in miles per hour) * Is it VFR or IFR (radio buttons) Compute Estimated fuel at arrival Show * Estimated fuel at arrival * If the plane has enough fuel plus reserve, show a happy background * If the plane has enough fuel without suffecient reserve, show a worried background * If the plane does not have enough fuel, show a scary background Points: One point for each * above One point if you use HTML to verify the reasonableness of an input One point if you use Javascript to verify the reasonableness of an input One point if you use PHP to verify the reasonableness of an input That means both is it a number is it within reasonable bounds Due: Thr Sep 15th at 4pm