Both kinds of Files * Can upload a file * Can view a file * Can delete a file * Can list all files * Can count how many times a file has been viewed * Can search by filename * can search by date or size or something else Just Image files *** Can get some metadate from a media file ** Can make true thumbnails **** Can make true thumbnails without using temporary files. see -or- Just Music Files *** Can stream an MP3 *** Can get some metadate from a media file *** Album art for MP3s Users * Can log in * Can create an account * Can delete an account * Have an administraitive user * Users have thumbnails * Can list all posts/files by a user * Can send email on X bad login attempts Message Board * Have messages with text and author and date * Can have replies * Can have an arbitrary tree of replies * Can count how many times a message has been viewed ** One of those fancy javascript editors * Google based word search ** Basic word search *** some cool advanced search ** Can re-edit a post * Can list all posts by a user * Can list all posts within a date range Regular Expressions (MUST DO THIS ONE) * Can verify something (email address, file name, ...) using a regular expression. * Do it again 10 points is a C, 14 is a B, 17 is an A, 20 is the max.