1) Show all the airplanes and their prices. 2) Show all the airplanes and their seating capacity. 3) Show which tables exist. 4) Show the column definitions for the prices table. 5) Which airplane costs the most? 6) Which airplane has the fewest seats? 7) Which airplanes costs less than $30,000. 8) Which airplanes do *not* cost between $50,000 and $5,000,000? 9) What is the ratio of the prices of the most and least expensive airplane? 10) What is the cost per seat ratio for the airplanes? 11) Which airplane costs the most per seat? 12) Create a new table detailing airplanes and owners. Make something non-null-able and something an index. first name last name model owned 13) Insert into the table Randy Appleton C-150 Randy Girard C-150 Frey Joyal C-172