You mission is to make a survey form and database. On the survey page * Ask the user a fill in the blank question. * Ask the user a yes or no question. * Reject all submissions missing either answer. * Insert the data into the database * Prevent the user from answering again that day. On the results page * Show the percentage of people who chose yes or no on the yes-or-no question. * With a bar graph * Show the keywords entered in the fill in the blank question * In sorted order * And a pie chart Extra Credit * The pie chart can rotate by user command * Clicking on a word in the answer page takes you to the distribution of yes/no answers for that word. * Refuse to accept certain words in the fill-in-the-blank page (at least ten words). * Use both cookies and IP number to block repeaters for voting within 24 hours or on the same date (your pick). * Ends a confirming email to the user. * User accounts * Any use of AJAX that you can explain and adds to the functionality This is out of 12 points. Minus one point if later than Feb 11th. Minus one point if later than Monday Feb 16th.