Mon Jan 10 -- Go over the syllabus. The Three Tiered Architecture. HTML. Can you do forms and multimedia and CSS?
Wed Jan 12 -- SQL, including how to create a database, delete a database, create a table (weith types), drop a table, and ask queries. Joins.
Fri Jan 14 -- Review insert and create table and select. Subqueries. limit statement.
Mon Jan 17 -- transactions. Terminology and composition and database optimization.
Wed Jan 19 -- Practice quiz (with answers).
Fri Jan 20 -- QUIZ.
Mon Jan 23 -- Go over quiz. PHP.
Wed Jan 25 -- Forms in php. Make me a page that prints from 1 ... N. Make me a page that shows N hearts. Make me a function that tells if something is prime.
Fri Jan 28 -- Cookies. Arrays. PHP Assignment. Objects.
Mon Jan 31 -- Psychic detetion via php.
Fri Feb 4 -- Trim command. Preg_split. Moving data from one form to another (src). Foreach in php. print_r.
Mon Feb 7 -- preg_match. preg_replace. preg_grep. preg_split. Regex Tester. THE REGULAR EXPRESSION CHEAT SHEET
Wed Feb 9 -- Regular expression homework. Connecting to a database using PHP. xkcd. mysql-connect , mysql_pconnect, mysql_select_db, mysql_query, mysql_num_rows, mysql_num_rows_affected, mysql_error, die, mysql_fetch_row, mysql_real_escape_string.
Fri Feb 11 -- story1, story2, and levenshine distance and soundex.
Mon Feb 14 -- Valentines Day. Google and PageRank. JC Pennys. SEO Optimization. Adwords.
Wed Feb 16 -- Make a map with projections and and Images.
Fri Feb 18 -- Foreach and the url command line. Image maps and tool tips.
Mon Feb 21 -- Bar chart using python image stuff and mysql.
Wed Feb 23 -- Lab day.
Mon Mar 7 -- Lab day for map assignment.
Wed Mar 9 -- Running php on the command line. Picture assignment. Files in mysql. gpc_magic_quotes.
Mon Mar 14 -- Work on picture project.
Mon Mar 21 -- Mining the web. Copyrights on data. Fake towns.
Wed Mar 23 -- NYT Pay Wall with source code. HTTPS. Javascript intro.
Fri Mar 25 -- simple javascript page with data validation. Javascript assignment.
Wed Mar 30 -- Mysql haxor. Exif and GD. Error console. More javascript with div and innerHTML, onload and onunload, regular expressions, and drawing in javascript.
Fri Apr 1 -- AJAX disadvantages. AJAX tutorial. AJAX example.
Mon Apr 4 -- Assignment. More AJAX.
Fri Apr 8 -- More Javascript.
Mon Apr 11 -- QUIZ over Fridays stuff.
Fri Apr 15 -- Comparing Image Formats. SVG. SVG examples. .htaccess files. UAW1950 with /home/uaw1950/pub/private/.htaccess, /home/uaw1950/pub/officers/.htaccess, and /home/uaw1950/pub/officers/
Mon Apr 18 -- Review for final exam.