CS 465

Professor: Randy Appleton rappleto@nmu.edu

Mon Aug 22 --

Wed Aug 24 – Make a personal database. Types. More joins. Review insert and create table and select. Subqueries. limit statement. Work on This problem in pairs.
Thr Aug 25 -- Database decomposition. transactions. Terminology and composition and database optimization.
Mon Aug 29 -- Quiz. You can practice quiz (with answers).
Wed Aug 31 -- PHP Intro. First PHP Program..
Fri Sep 2 -- Verifying data using HTML types and javascript and using PHP (php's is_numeric). Tradeoffs for each.
Fri Sep 2 -- Assignment #1. Why verify using javascript, html or php. How to change backgrounds. What is a radio button.
Fri Sep 9 -- Mysql and php. My sample code.
Mon Sep 11 -- Bobby tables. real escpae string. rollback and commit. Bad sql.
Mon Sep 19 -- Picture Assignment. PHP Scope and Objects. Constructors. Public, private, and protected. Inheritance. Getters and Setters.
Mon Sep 26 -- Regular Expressions. Character classes. Big list of special characters. Regex tester. Patterns to make.
Wed Sep 28 -- Cookies. Session variables.
Fri Sep 30 -- Regex practice. Make a web page thats says if you are a first visitor using cookies.Viewing cookies. Make a web page that counts the number of visits using session variables.
Fri Oct 7 - Storing pictures in DB or in files? stackoverflow. phpmyadmin. php config file. load average. Login screens
Mon Oct 18 -- Midterm Friday. AJAX tutorial. AJAX examples..Bad things about AJAX.
Wed Oct 20 -- MIdterm review.
Mon Oct 22 -- Practive for the midterm.
Fri Oct 28 -- Go over test. Talk about money and hits and such. Google adsense. google adwords. MGH linking policy. linking to ilegal material.
Mon Oct 31 -- Python!!!. 1) Print 1...10. 2) Print 10...1. 3) Is 97 prime? 4) List all primes 2...1000.
Mon Nov 6th -- Bottle day 2. Templates. Template Examples. Make a count-the-visits with reset web site.
Fri Nov 11 -- bottle modules. bottle-cork. cork example code. Bottle game assignment. Bottle and databases.
Mon Nov 14 -- Templates. select n1.name, n2.name from borders, nations n1 , nations n2 where n1.Code = Code1 and n2.code = Code2 order by n1.name;
Mon Nov 28 -- Join types. group functions tutorial. How to join the same table twice. SQL practice.
Wed Nov 30 -- Review for the final exam.
Fri Dec 1 -- Final Exam from 2015.