CS 465

Professor: Randy Appleton rappleto@nmu.edu

Mon Jan 14 --

Wed Jan 17 – Make a personal database. Types. More joins. Review insert and create table and select. Subqueries. limit statement. Work on This problem in pairs.
Thr Jan 18 -- Database decomposition. transactions and Optimization.
Fri Jan 19 -- SQL using distinct and count and group by and in and subqueries. More sql homework.
Wed Jan 22 -- PHP.
Fri Jan 24 -- PIP.INI. Strings and error_reporting(E_ALL) and computing the value of a name and dechex.
Mon Jan 28 -- Verifing input. Bobby tables. Example with the current program. HTMLENTITIES. Example PHP Program.. Verifying data using HTML types and javascript and using PHP(php's is_numeric). Tradeoffs for each. Cross site scripting attack
Wed Jan 30 -- PHP and SQL. My example programs.hasing in php PHP password hashing.
Wed Feb 06 -- Scope in PHP. Arrays in php. Readonly inputs. Hidden inputs
Thr Feb 07 -- LoadAverage. PHP Objects. set and get.
Mon Feb 11 -- Problems with __get and __set. $_SERVER. Sessions. My login code. My session login code. Show bug with code using telnet. Remember Alternative if. Show fix.
Wed Feb 13 -- Storing pictures in a DB or on the file system. Files in PHP. Getting a URL. Setting the content-type. Uploading a file (w3school). Uploading a file.
Mon Feb 18 -- exif_imagetype.
Fri Feb 21 -- Talk about emitting jpg/mp3 data. How to send email with php. htmlspecialcharacters. Dates in PHP. HTTPS. How to do this. Objects with a database
Mon Feb 25 -- Calculator with eval. preg_match. preg_replace. eval. regex for math. Stack overflow's answer.

Wed Mar 13 -- Midterm from 2016. Programs . Python tutorial. I/O in Python. For loops. If's.
Fri Mar 15 -- PHP/SQL Midterm!!!!.
Mon Mar 25 -- Slicing and Lists in Python and sort vs sorted and and find some primes and List Questions and A web server in Python. Flask!.
Wed Apr 3 -- AJAX.Reading a CSV re.search
Fri Apr 5 -- Upload a file SQL in Python.AJAX Sending email python
Mon Apr 14 -- AJAX Intro from w3schools and Simplest AJAX chat ever and My more simple one and setinterval.
Wed Apr 23 -- PHP Review and Python review. 2016 Final examCourse Eval