Aug 19 -- syllabus stuff. definition of cheating. masks. Two layer and Three layer architecture. Three ways to store data. SQL Basics.
Aug 20 -- SQL Types. SQL HW1.
August 24 -- SQL operators. JOINS!!!!! (left join, innner join) and SQL work.

Aug 26 -- PHP Hello world and PHP Itro and PHP Operators and PHP functions and variables and data types and Splitting php code.
Aug 27 -- Password program. How many flags. Is it odd. Prime number program.
Sup 31 -- Arrays.
Sep Sep 2 -- Assignment #1. The die command. Little bobby tables. Example injection attack. Ashley Madison SQL injection. Do all work on DB, not on PHP. Process records one at a time if reasonable, not into an array. MYSQL and PHP.
Sep 9 -- Login assignment. $_SERVER. Google ad settings. AIDS. Snafu-solomon. PHP and cookies. PHP and sessions.
Sep 10 -- How to encrypt a password. Why use a salt? Login sample php code. PHP Objects. PHP Objects again
Sep 16 -- How to validate input data. (1) Better user instructions and form design. (2) Use the right input types. (3) Use javascript. (4) Use PHP (5) Use the database. Also htmlspecialchars but not strip_tags.
Sep 17 -- Regex patterns.
Sep 20 -- Regex in PHP and PHP regex stuff and Regex examples.
Sep 22 -- Picture assignment. Should you store pics in a DB? How to do files in PHP. How to do file uploads in php. Another
Sep 24 -- QUIZ. Sep 30 -- Scraping the CIA Database. Dates in PHP. Objects in a database. Eval (very scary).
Oct 1 -- Do the scraping of or but not
Oct 7 -- Python is second best. Frameworks. FLASK!!!!!
Oct 14 -- Lists in Python and Lists and loops and slices.
Oct 28 -- Python Ajax. PHP Ajax
Nov 4 -- with listdir and isfile and safe_join and send_file and send_file and Shell commands.
Nov 5 -- Make a program.
Nov 11 -- Google maps on flask and google_flask and javascript google maps and the plane assignment.
Nov 15 -- How to send email via Python and How to download files via Python and How to find email addresses via Python
Nov 17 -- PHP Review and Flask review and Course Evals.