Jan 10 -- syllabus stuff. definition of cheating. masks. PHP Intro and First day progs.
Jan 11 -- Password program. How many flags. Is it odd. Prime number program.
Wed Jan 19 -- Make a form. Validating in HTML vs JS vs PHP. Forms.
Thr Jan 20 -- Arrays.
Mon Jan 24 -- PHP Functions. PHP Regex. PHP Regex functions. Patterns to write.
Wed Jan 26 -- SQL and Databases
Fri Jan 28 -- First SQL assignment. SQL Types. SQL Example Commands.
Mon Jan 31 -- SQL operators. Join: Bonus questions. Religious numbers from nations database. Sample quiz
Wed Feb 3 -- PHP and Mysql and Example SQL injection attack Do all work on DB, not on PHP. Process records one at a time if reasonable, not into an array. Nations assignment.
Mon Feb 7 -- How to do the SQL problems from friday. New question: Among nations that border China, which is the richest?
Fri Feb 11 -- PHP Weird if. Login stuff. PHP Include.
Mon Feb 14 -- Demo login page. Login assingment.
Fri Feb 18 -- PHP Objects
Mon Feb 21 -- Example Objects and make-me-a-dollar-class.
Wed Feb 23 -- PHP File upload and $_FILES and should-pic-be-in-a-db and File I/O in PHP and file_get_contents and the RULES FOR SHOWPIC!
Mon Mar 7 -- Midterm Review.
Fri Mar 11 -- AJAX
Mon Mar 14 -- AJAX homework. Scrape a webpage homework. Parse a webpage The regex tester.
Fri Mar 18 -- Django. Flask!.
Wed Mar 23 -- Lists, Dictionaries, and sets in Python and Flask templates and Sending data to the templates
Mon Mar 28 -- Dicts, Sets, Lists and Templaes
Wed Mar 29 -- Flask Pictures Assignment. Show how to do it in RAM. Show how to list files.File objects in flask. More docs
Fri Apr 1 -- How to send email and Map Quiz!
Mon Apr 11 -- Input validation. Where to validate. Google maps. Sesion and cookies in flask. Flash in flask.
Wed Apr 13 -- Meta-refresh. Turbo-flask. What is a Context-processor. My updown-turbo version.
Wed Apr 20 -- Final Review.